Sales and Publications Office

The publishing office is in a state of reorganization, and due to lack of personnel to fulfill the functions have not carried out activities that meet expectations that the office should have. At the moment one of the functions, which is the sale of publications is being made in the library, and its total stock is in the warehouse of publications ordered and in good condition.

See Catalog



Request payment order

Go to the library and request the creation of your Payment order indicating your ID number.


Payment at agent or BCP APP

Once the payment order is created, you can choose between paying at the closest BCP agent or in the BCP application, both only need your DNI number.


Pick up material

If the payment was made through an agent, you will come with your voucher or if it is through an application, it will show the proof of payment that is generated.

Books for sale


Manual de laboratorio de química

  • Autores: Noemi Quintana A., Rosa Altamirano M., Ricardo Terreros L.
  • S/5.00

Manual de Metodología del aprendizaje

  • Autores: Carlos B. De La Cruz Valdiviano, Luis A. Aquino Gago
  • S/15

Manual: Física general

  • Autores: Luis Mosquera L. y otros
  • S/7.00




icono telefono

Telephone Exchange (01) 4811070

Secretary: 4045

Books : 4034

Thesis & Newspaper l : 4037

@2022 Library "Alberto Regal M." _ jcvv