Imagen of Freepik
Modalities- Scanning of book chapters, articles or theses found in the collection of the Alberto Regal Matienzo library of the FIC that is not in digital version. By copyright, this will comprise a maximum of 20% of the content of the book or thesis in question.
- The use of such documents must be for strictly academic and personal use (D.L. 822)
- You can request the scanning of a maximum of 2 chapters per month.
- The scanned files will be sent to the email provided within a period maximum of 3 calendar days.
Teachers and researchers from the UNI Faculty of Civil Engineering
- 1. To request this service, it is recommended to identify the book or thesis of your interest in the catálogo UNI.
- 2. Fill out the book or thesis chapter scanning request form using the next link Formulario de solicitud.
If you have any questions or want to see the table of contents before requesting the service, send a message to the following email bific.servicios@gmail.com, indicating the title of such book or thesis that belongs to our collection and we we will send the table of contents.
Legal basis
This service is provided considering what is mentioned in article 43 (specifically the subsection a) of Legislative Decree 822: Article 43.- Regarding works already lawfully disclosed, it is permitted without authorization from the author:
a) Reproduction by reprographic, digital or other similar means for teaching or conducting exams in educational institutions, as long as there are non-profit purposes and to the extent justified by the objective persecuted, from articles, speeches, original phrases, unitary poems, or from brief extracts from works or from the entire of isolated works of a plastic and photographic nature, lawfully published and on condition that such use is made in accordance with honest uses (mandatory citation of the author) and that it is not the object of sale or other transaction for consideration, nor does it have direct or indirect profit purposes."